

Damián Vondrasek


A boy with a cleft lip has one afternoon to pass the initiation ritual to a street gang.

Режија / Director:
Damián Vondrášek

Сценарио / Screenplay:
Damian Vondrasek, Lukas Csicsely

Директор фотографије / Director of Photography:
Krystof Melka

Монтажа / Film Editing:
Jakub Podmanicky

Филмска школа / Film School:

Продуценти / Producers:
Martina Netikova

Продукцијска кућа / Production Company:
Cinémotif Films

Улоге / Cast:
Tomas Stary, Daniel Vízek

Трајање / Duration:

Damián Vondrasek
Director's Biography
Damián Vondrasek

Damián Vondrasek is currently finishing studies of Directing at FAMU. His first short Together (2015) took the best director award at Famufest. Imprisoned (2016) was selected to San Sebastian International Film Festival and Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, also nominated for the best student film at the Czech Lion Awards. Frontier (2020) premiered at Trieste Film Festival and got two nominations at the Czech Lion Awards. Rites, his latest short, is supported by Czech Film Fund and selected for Cannes Focus Script and Midpoint Shorts programs. His first feature Goddess is participating in the LIM development program organized by Le Groupe Ouest.