
25/1 Swarm

Stefan Koutzev


Thirteen year old Janek is seduced by the new hype of a trading card game at his school. Wishing for approval, but not being able to afford new cards, he finds a way to harvest attention.

Режија / Director:
Stefan Koutzev

Сценарио / Screenplay:
Stefan Koutzev

Директор фотографије / Director of Photography:
Patrick Gregg

Монтажа / Film Editing:
Stefan Koutzev

Филмска школа / Film School:
HHK Hamburg

Продуцент / Producer:
Stefan Koutzev

Продукцијска кућа / Production Company:
Gulliver Films

Улоге / Cast:
Janek Heese, Michael Kaemmer, Eva Koutzeva, Moritz Stamm

Трајање / Duration:

Stefan Koutzev
Director's Biography
Stefan Koutzev

Stefan Koutzev was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in 1993. After growing up in Germany, he studied partly music, language, literature & cultural studies and developed working as a musician in Dresden. Furthermore, he assisted the director's department at the Dresden State Theater. Following his graduation of the practical filmmaking course at the European Film College in Denmark and working as a filmmaker in Copenhagen, he now studies film directing at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts under Angela Schanelec and Pepe Danquart. He’s currently working as an assistant director in Berlin.