Stranger Than Paradise follows the adventures of Willie (John Lurie) and his best friend Eddie (Richard Edson) - a couple of small time gamblers disenchanted with their lives. After a visit from his pretty Hungarian cousin, Eva (Eszter Balint), Willie at first rejects this unwanted intrusion into his life. However, after an unexpectedly large poker win, the trio set off on an unforgettable road trip throughout the wastelands of Cleveland to get to the sunshine and blue skies of Florida as well as from misfortune to fortune and back.
Caméra d'or – Cannes Film Festival 1984
Golden Leopard - Locarno International Film Festival 1984
Special Jury Prize - Sundance Film Festival 1985
Best Film - National Society of Film Critics Awards, USA 1985
Best Foreign Language Film - Kinema Junpo Award, Japan 1987
All movies from: Retrospective of Greatness |
14-01-2009 | 13h | USA-West Germany |
Director: |
Duration:89’ |
Cast: |
John Lurie, Eszter Balint, Richard Edson, Cecillia Stark, Danny Rosen, Rammellzee |
Screenplay: Jim Jarmusch |
Producer: Sara Driver |
Photography: Tom DiCillo |
Editing: Jim Jarmusch, Melody London |
35mm, black-and-white |
Production: Cinesthesia Productions | Grokenberger Film Produktion | Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) |